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Top 12 Effective Home Remedies For Healing Cracked Fingers

Home Remedies For Healing Cracked Fingers

Cracked fingers is the most common skin problem which is faced by the people having dry skin. But it can also be faced by the normal skin people because of the usage of harmful soaps and detergents. They take away the natural moisture which was present in your skin and leave it dry and damaged. Also the cuticles on your fingertips get cracked and create the situation more worse. Therefore, to cure this problem of cracked finger and hands, you need to retain back the moisture into your skin pores. This problem is more faced in the winter season. But now there are some interesting solutions for this problem. Many home remedies are explained here to heal the cracked finger. These remedies are completely natural and easily available to you.

Here Are Explained The Home Remedies To Heal Cracked Finger Easily:

Milk Cream:

The cream found over the milk is full of moisture content present in it. It is very good for softening your skin therefore, it is an amazing home remedy for the healing of cracked fingers naturally. You can apply the fresh cream on your fingers. Leave it for some time and then rinse off. It is a great solution to fight the cracks and dryness.

Milk CreamSugar:

Sugar is a very good natural agent for the exfoliation of your skin. Exfoliation is an important process for your skin to remove the dead skin cells and dried skin easily. Therefore, you can use the sugar for gentle exfoliation of your finger’s skin. You need 1 tbsp of sugar and mix some water in it. Now massage it on your fingers.

Refined Sugar

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is also an amazing home remedy for the healing of cracked fingers naturally. It will help you to retain back the lost moisture into your skin. You need some warm coconut oil and massage it gently to your fingers.

Coconut Oil Treatment

Rice Flour:

Rice flour is also a very good home remedy for treating the cracked skin of your fingers. You can take some rice flour and mix water in it. Make a paste and apply it properly to your fingers. Leave it for some time and then rinse off.

Rice Flour Ubtan

Epsom Salt:

Epsom salt is also an excellent home remedy for healing the cracked fingers. A soak made by water and Epsom salt will be very helpful for you in this situation. You can take some hot water in a mug and mix some Epsom salt in it. Now soak your hands in it. It will really help in the skin rejuvenation of your hands and fingers.

Epsom Salt

Clarified Butter:

Clarified butter which is commonly known as “Ghee” is a very good home remedy for healing the cracked skin of your fingers. It is a very good constituent of the moisture and nourishment for your skin. Therefore, you can apply it on your fingers and massage properly. Repeat this remedy several times a day to see the fast results.

Clarified Butter

Rose Water:

Rose water is also a very good home remedy for the treatment of cracked fingers naturally. It will also help in skin rejuvenation in your hands. You can apply rose water to your hands and fingers with the help of a clean cotton swab.

Alum & Rosewater

Mustard Oil:

Mustard oil is again an amazing home remedy for healing the cracked skin of your fingers easily. It will also help you to retain back the moisture in your hands. You can massage your hands with mustard oil. You can repeat this remedy every time you wash your hands with soap as it will help to maintain the right moisture level in your hands.

Mustard Oil

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is again a very good solution for the treatment of cracked finger naturally. You can take some freshly plucked aloe vera leaf and take out the enriched pulp from it. Now apply it gently to your fingers and give a proper massage for some time. Repeat this remedy daily to get softness in your fingers.

Aloe Vera Juice

Olive Oil:

Olive oil is also a great home remedy for healing the cracked skin of your fingers. It contains amazing vital nutrients that are good for your skin. You can massage some olive oil on your fingers and cuticles properly. It will give you the softening in your fingers very soon.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Glycerin is again an amazing home remedy for the treatment of the cracked fingers. It also helps in regaining the moisture and adequate softness in your fingers. You can apply some glycerin with a cotton swab, on your fingers and also on the cuticles. It will give you the better results soon.


Indian Lilac:

Indian lilac is also very helpful to heal the cracks in your skin. You can make a paste of Indian lilac leaves and apply it on your fingers and cuticles properly.

Indian Lilac Oil

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