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7 Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Toddlers

7 Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Toddlers

7 Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Toddlers

Gas pain in toddlers is a very common condition wherein the stomach and small intestine becomes inflamed owing to gas and if the condition is not treated, infection with the primary causative agents being rotavirus, E. coli, campylobacter, etc may cause. The symptoms of gas pain often include stomach and intestinal cramps, upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea and sometimes it can be accompanied with body pain, fever with chills etc. Gas pain symptoms are usually self-limiting and don’t require medical intervention. The below mentioned simple and readily available home remedies can help to alleviate this diseased condition quickly.

Here Are Some Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Toddlers:


Banana, raw or ripe, thanks to its high amylase-resistant starch content that helps in the treatment of gas. Being rich in potassium and magnesium, it also aids in replenishing these essential electrolytes for maintaining proper digestive functions. Bananas are easy to digest that can be had anytime of the day as per requirement. Ripe bananas can be consumed either alone or with yogurt 2 or 3 times in a day or the raw variety of it can tried as soup.



Peppermint, with its antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties helps to cure stomach and intestinal cramps, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting and also relief accumulated gas. It can be consumed thrice daily in form of herbal tea with honey adding flavor to it. You can even try peppermint chewing gums to pamper the upset stomach.

Peppermint Leaves


Ginger is well known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It cures or even prevents stomach infection and cuts down the frequency of various symptoms like vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and watery stools. Although people with high blood pressure problems should better avoid ginger remedies, it can be used very effectively in treating gas. Enjoy cups of soothing ginger herbal tea with some honey thrice a day or some freshly prepared ginger beer few times a day or you can even try taking small slices of raw and fresh ginger to alleviate the problems of gas.

Ginger For Relieving Gas

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar stimulates the gastric pH maintenance as well as clears toxins from the body. Being very high in pectin content, it relieves symptoms like pain or irritation of stomach, nausea and vomiting and also gastric gas accumulation coupled with gastroenteritis. Drinking 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of grape juice or warm water twice daily, can give better results to combat the disease condition efficiently.

 Apple Cider Vinegar


Basil or commonly known as Tulsi, has antispasmodic attributes that help to thwart gastric spasms and also cure other symptoms associated with gas. For better results, consume a mixed juice having equal amounts of basil and ginger extract thrice a day or drink a cup of water with 10 or 15 tulsi leaves and a bit of rock salt twice a day to ease stomach discomforts. You can also try drinking basil leaf or juice in form of tea with some honey several times a day.



Salt with its abundance of sodium ions, plays an essential part in restoring the electrolyte balance which is lost due to vomiting and diarrhea during gas. Also it’s anti microbial actions, help it to fight infection and retain the pH of the digestive system. To prevent dehydration during gas, it is good to drink solution of salt and sugar in water in hourly spaces throughout the day.


Baking Soda

Baking soda, with its natural antacid properties, helps to neutralize the excess acid in the stomach that in effect helps to reduce stomach and heartburns associated with acid reflux in the esophagus in cases of gas. It is also pretty effective in reducing diarrhea as well as vomiting. Although people with problems like high blood pressure better avoid baking soda, but in general, to obtain good effects, drink a glass of water with two teaspoons baking soda, four tablespoons of sugar and two teaspoons salt thrice a day.

Baking soda

From infant to elderly, anyone can contract the disease but children who are weak immunologically are particularly prone to develop the disease. Apart from following the above mentioned remedies, it is always better follow some additional precautionary steps like- before eating, not forgetting to clean vegetables and fruits thoroughly, trying to avoid raw or uncooked foods and opt for foods that are light, home-cooked, following “BRAT” diet including “Banana, Rice (preferably white), Apple sauce and Toast (preferably dry)”, applying some warm compress on the stomach to get relief from cramps and pain and of course taking rest as much as possible for quicker recovery. It is extremely essential to replenish the body fluids by drinking plenty of water and other light fluids like chicken clear soups, rice water etc. and prevent dehydration which can otherwise hinder the healing process. After following all these religiously, if you still don’t feel like getting better within a couple of weeks then immediately consult a doctor.

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