Calluses are a kind of very thick and hard growth that occurs on the soles of your foot. Sometimes, it may happen on the hands too but that is usually rare. However, the problem with these calluses is that if not treated on time, they tend to get rather painful. Lack of good foot support, bad footwear, improper foot care are the major causes of calluses.
Here Are Simple Home Remedies That Can Help You Treat The Same:
Home Pedicure
Take a tub and fill it up with some hot water and add a bit of soap to it. You can also add some Epsom salt here to help the skin get softer naturally. Then after soaking it in water for about 20 minutes, take a pumice stone and gently scrub on the area. Do this everyday or alternate days to get rid of the callus.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak your foot in about 1/2 cup of vinegar mixed with about a bucket of water. Apple cider vinegar gets rid of the dead skin naturally. You can also add some apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and then apply it on the feet before going to bed to get rid of them naturally.
Papaya Juice
There are enzymes in the papaya juice that really soften the skin around the foot and treat the calluses naturally. Just take some ripe papaya mash and then apply all over the sole of the foot. Leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash off.
Lime Juice
You can also take the juice of some lime and apply it on the calluses before going to bed. This acidity helps to soften the skin while preventing infection. You can also take the wedges or peels of the lime and rub it on the area to soften skin and get rid of calluses.
Mustard Oil
Take some hot mustard oil and massage the foot with it. Just make sure that the oil is bearably hot and not too hot. Then once the massage is done, wipe the feet gently in a hot towel. This helps the oil get into the foot. Wipe dry and repeat till the calluses are softer.
Oatmeal And Rice Scrub
For this remedy, take about 1/2 cup of oatmeal with equal amounts of rice flour. Then add enough milk to create a soft and paste like scrub. Then rub this scrub all over the foot and heels. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Doing so softens the calluses and gets rid of them.
Glycerin With Castor Oil
Mix together about 3-4 spoons of glycerin with equal amount of castor oil. Then heat it gently and apply all over the area where the skin is rough and dry. Then put on socks and go to bed. Left overnight, this mixture should treat calluses in less than a week.
Honey And Sugar Scrub
Raw honey and sugar scrub is another great remedy for treating calluses the natural way. Take about 2 spoons of honey and mix with 2-3 spoons of granulated sugar. Then scrub the mixture well on the foot, including your soles, where calluses affect more. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing.
Olive Oil And Lemon
Take 1/4 cup of olive oil and add some lemon juice to it. Then apply this on the foot and hands and massage well. The olive oil softens the calluses while the lemon prevents new calluses from developing.
Homemade Cream
Just take some homemade cream and mix it with som gram flour. Then massage the area well and leave the pack for about 10 minutes. Doing so cleanses the calluses and also softens them so they dissolve into the skin.