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10 Superfoods To Maintain A Healthy Heart

Superfoods To Maintain A Healthy Heart

Heart diseases are becoming a great health concern everyday and one of the reasons is our food habits. So we need to take the right food to prevent heart problems. Described below are a few foods that we can include in our diet to protect our heart.

Below Are The Heart Friendly Foods:


Oatmeal is packed with omega-3-fatty acids and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is a rich in dietary fiber, which benefits the cardiovascular health. Oatmeal regulates cholesterol level and keeps the arteries clear.


Black Beans

The dense nutrients found in black beans support heart health and help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Dietitians say consuming more servings of beans minimize the chances of developing heart diseases.

Black Beans


Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients that are effective in protecting the heart health. The berries have significant effect on reduction of LDL levels. They also possess antihypertensive properties and supports smooth flow of blood through the blood vessels.



Raspberries contain low fat and high amounts of flavanoids as well as polyphenols, which make the fruit the best foods for heart. The fibers and nutrients like magnesium, and potassium found in the berries support heart health.



Walnuts contain large quantities of antioxidants, which combat free radical damage. Omega-3-fatty acids and fiber in walnuts effectively reduce bad cholesterol. Vitamin E checks plaque development in arteries and minerals and keep the heart hale and hearty.



Flaxseeds contain all elements that benefit the heart. They contain omega-3-fatty acids, fiber and lignans. They prevent atherosclerosis, regulate blood pressure, maintain heart rate, lower cholesterol levels and reduce oxidative stress.



Salmon is a wonderful food for heart. It is a great substitute for red meat as it contains loads of omega-3-fatty acids. Regular intake of salmon controls heart rate and lowers bad cholesterol. It greatly reduces the possibility of heart attack and sudden cardiac death.



Soy is rich not only in protein, but also omega-3-fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It is a low fat food that contains enormous amounts of fiber. Thus, it helps reduce heart problems by lowering cholesterol. Research also supports soy protein’s cholesterol lowering effects.



Spinach is packed with nutrients that promote heart health. Beta carotenes and vitamin C prevents the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Folate, magnesium and potassium along with betaine and vitamin B6 prevent the possibility of heart diseases.

Spinach (2)


Lycopene is wonderful for the heart because of its cholesterol lowering effects. Especially, it prevents the oxidation of LDL. Vitamin K prevents hemorrhages and the wide range of other vitamins and minerals enhance the functions of the heart. Tomato also acts as a blood purifier.


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