Pharyngitis is a very common health problem that is caused due to the infection of bacteria, virus or fungus. Pharynx is situated at the back of throat and in this problem the pharynx in infected which results into lot of discomfort and pain. There are several other rick factors for the problem of pharyngitis and these include infections, cold, flu, sore throat, allergies, sinus infections, tonsillitis infection, smoking etc.
The most common symptom of the problem is the constant pain that occur in the throat and other symptoms of the problem are cough, soreness, head ache, fever, rashes on the skin, sneezing, runny nose, swelling, lymph node infection, fatigue, pain and difficulty in swallowing food and water. The problem pf pharyngitis make the life very cumbersome and it is therefore very important to treat the infection because an infected person can transfer the infection to a healthy person on contact with the saliva or sneezing droplets. Here are the easy and most useful home remedies for treating pharyngitis completely.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonder tonic for treating the problem of pharyngitis. The useful anti bacterial and anti microbial properties of apple cider vinegar are very effective in treating the infection. Not only this, apple cider vinegar also provides great relief from the symptoms of pain and inflammation of the throat. Consume apple cider vinegar every day two times to get complete relief from the problem.
Ginger Tea
Ginger is a very useful natural product that is rich in anti inflammatory and anti septic properties and it is also one of the most widely used products to treat the infection of the pharynx effectively. Ginger has powerful anti microbial properties and also heals your throat to provide relief. Add ginger tea to your routine to treat the problem.
Cayenne Pepper Powder
cayenne pepper contains the anti inflammatory compound commonly known as capsaicin and this compound has very useful anti inflammatory properties that provides you relief from the symptoms of pharyngitis. Not only this, cayenne pepper also eliminate the infection from the throat. You can consume the powder with salad on by mixing it with warm water but the only thing is you have to follow it regularly to get the benefits.
Saline Solution
The common salt available in the kitchen is a quick fix remedy for the symptoms of pharyngitis. Salt is rich in anti inflammatory properties and thus relives the pharynx from the pain and inflammation. Not only this, it also helps in eliminating the bacterial infection as it is also rich in anti bacterial properties. You have to use this solution to gargle your throat different times in a day.
Raw honey has anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties and these are very useful for soothing the infection from the throat. Honey provides relief from the problems like inflammation, fatigue, swelling, pain etc very effectively. It is therefore highly recommended to prepare a concoction by mixing honey with apple cider vinegar and consume it daily. You can repeat the remedy until you get relief from pharyngitis completely.
Green Tea
Green tea are rich in nutrients and anti oxidants and these products are very useful for improving the immunity of the body and prevents the risk of pharyngitis infection. Not only this, by regular consumption of green tea you can also get rid of the pain and inflammation of the pharynx very effectively.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is also very useful in increasing the efficiency of the immune system. Not only this, lemon juice are rich in anti septic properties that eliminate the infection and also reduce the problem of swelling, pain and inflammation. Therefore you can also consume lemon juice regularly to get the benefits.
Turmeric is a very wonderful product for treating the infection of the pharynx. Not only this, turmeric is rich in anti inflammatory products that relieve the pain and inflammation very effectively and reduce the soreness of throat as well. Regular use of turmeric do improve the immunity and therefore you should consume more of it to get the benefits. You can also prepare a throat rinse by mixing turmeric in warm water along with salt.
Garlic is a known and best anti inflammatory product that is also rich in anti microbial nature and the use of garlic is highly advised to get relief from the problem of pharyngitis completely.
Cloves are also very useful as they are rich in anti inflammatory and anti microbial nature and therefore you should chew some cloves regularly to get relief from the problem of pharyngitis effectively.