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10 Home Remedies For Gallstones

Home Remedies For Gallstones

Gallstones are special types of stones that are formed in the gallbladder due to various types of reasons. Gallbladder is generally present near the liver. The size of gallstones can vary from small to huge ones. The main problem of formation of gallstones is cholesterol. It is formed by hardening of cholesterol in gallbladder. It can also be caused due to increase in the level of bile and bilirubin. There are other kinds of reasons that can lead to formation of gallstones such as diabetes, obesity, fat diet, anemia and typical lifestyle. Huge numbers of people are suffering from this problem and are trying for proper home remedies that can remove the stones from the body. Few home remedies can work well for its removal.


The first and foremost solution for removal of gallstones is to drink sufficient amount of water. Intake of sufficient water will help to flush out all toxins and other harmful chemicals from the body. Drink water along with other citrus fruit juices to detoxify the body and get rid of the stone problem. It will also help to boost the normal metabolism in the body.



Turmeric has medicinal properties that can deal with the problem of gallstones. The antioxidant property of turmeric will also help to avoid the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Make sure to consume turmeric on daily basis in order to get rid of the stones. Add it to daily dishes and consume turmeric paste along with honey for best kinds of results.


Lemon Juice

Lemon juice acts as the best detoxifying agent in the human body. It is best for the human body and will maintain the skin. It will help the body to stay nourished and will also avoid the formation of gallstones. Prepare some fresh lemon juice and drink it on daily basis. It will maintain the immunity of the body and will also remove the cholesterol responsible for the stone formation.

Lemon Juice

Pear Juice With Honey

Pears juice is very perfect kind of juice that is best for health and it can help to avoid the formation of gallstones. The development of these stones in gallbladder will also be hampered. Extract some pears juice and add honey to it. Mix it well in warm water and then drink this solution to get best results. Make it a habit to drink this juice on regular basis.

Pear Juice With Honey

Carrot, Cucumber And Beetroot Juice

A perfect blend of beetroot, cucumber and carrot can be used to prepare best kind of juice. This particular kind of juice is very much effective to get rid of the stone problem. Blend some carrot, cucumber and beetroot in a blender to make juice. Mix it well and drink it on regular manner to extract the benefits from it. Drinking twice a day will help a lot.

Carrot, Cucumber And Beetroot Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can work well to treat the gallstones issue. The acidic nature of vinegar will help to cure the pain associated with the problem. Consumption of vinegar will help the liver to prevent formation of cholesterol in the body. Take some vinegar and add it with apple juice. Drink it regularly to avoid the formation of stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Radish is generally counted as one ingredient to prepare certain types of dishes. It can be used to treat the gallstones issue in gallbladder. Radish has some popular properties to deal with the stones in the body. It will also prevent the further formation of stones. It will help to maintain the gallbladder. Consume some radish or drink its juice for best results.



Peppermint is used for proper digestion in the body. Peppermint can effectively help to promote the generation of bile as well as other kinds of digestive juices. Terpene that is present in peppermint will help to slowly dissolve the stones in the stomach. Prepare some peppermint tea and drink it regularly. Its juice can also help to get desired results.



Grapefruit is another best type of fruit that can help to provide rich source of fiber to the body. People who are suffering from gallstones issue must take more amount of fiber in their diet. Intake of grapefruit juice will help to meet the fiber demand and thus cure the problem.



Orange is very popular citrus food item that can help in avoiding the formation of gallstones. It has rich source of vitamin C in it. Adequate amount of vitamin C in the body will avoid the formation of stones in gallbladder. People suffering from the problem of gallstones must drink orange juice on regular basis. It will also reduce the chance of forming cholesterol in the body.



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