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10 Effective Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

A lot of new born babies who are still younger than 3 weeks are affected by a serious problem named as colic. In this problem the infant keep on crying for hours about two to three times in a day and the frequency can also increase depending on the severity of the condition. The is no known cause for the problem of colic in babies but medical studies claim that there are certain situation that lead to the trapping of air in the abdominal area of the babies that lead to the problem. Other reason can be the smoking habit of the mother at the time of pregnancy period.

The common symptoms of the problem are crying unexplainably, pain, fatigue, change in the stool passing pattern, cramping, vomiting, weight problems, fluctuating body temperatures etc. The problem severely affects the quality of life of both the baby and the parents. The problem gets treated when the baby becomes 4 to 6 months old but the continuous suffering is not bearable. Here are the useful home remedies that one should use for treating colic in babies effectively.

Warm Water

Warm water is very useful in reducing the symptoms of the problem. It reduces the pain and cramping in the babies and also promotes the recovery from the colic times. It is therefore advisable to use warm water to give bath to your babies.

Warm Water

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is anti inflammatory and thus is very useful in treating the symptoms of the problem. A gentle massage over the abdominal area can help in providing relief. Repeat the remedy daily to give maximum benefits to your child.

Lavender Oil

Warm Compress

If the severity of the problem increases and there is an increase in the crying frequency then it is advisable to use a warm compress for an immediate relief. Warm compress helps in releasing the trapped air and provides relief from the inflammation. Apply a warm compress on the abdominal area for some time and repeat regularly for proper relief.

Warm Compress

Olive Oil

Olive oil can also be used to treat colic in babies. The oil provides relief from the symptoms of the problem and promotes recovery. Therefore you should gently massage the abdominal area and hand and feet of your child to provide him relief.

 Olive Oil


Asafetida is a very wonderful product for treating the colic problems in babies. The anti inflammatory and anti flatulent nature of asafetida helps in releasing the gas and thus reduce the pain and inflammation very effectively. You should add some asafetida to water. Boil this solution and apply it on the navel area of the infant after cooling it down. You can repeat this remedy several times for getting quick relief from the problem.


Basil Powder

Basil is also very useful for getting relief from the colic times. The rich anti spasmodic properties of basil powder helps in releasing the gas to provide relief. Not only this, basil also has sedative properties that further add the relief. Therefore you should boil some basil powder in water and then give few tea spoons of this solution to your baby every day to treat the problem completely.

Powdered Basil

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are a great relief from the problem of abdominal problems. Fennel seeds help in reducing the abdominal pain and cramps and also prevents the gas from the abdominal areas very effectively. It is therefore highly advised to boil some fennel seeds in water and then you should give one tea spoon of this solution to your baby. Follow this remedy 3 times in a day for perfect results.

Fennel Seeds

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a well known home remedy for getting relief from the abdominal pain and cramping. Not only this, chamomile also reduces the gas and thus treats colic in babies very effectively. Mothers should therefore prepare a cup of chamomile tea and should give a tea spoon of this tea to their child after every few hours to treat the problem effectively.

Chamomile Tea

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is also very helpful in treating the abdominal problems in the infants. The anti spasmodic nature along with the calming affects is very useful for reducing the symptoms of the problem. It is therefore advisable to give few tea spoons of peppermint tea to their infants to get relief from the problem.

Peppermint Tea

Ginger Water

Ginger also has pain relieving and anti inflammatory properties and can effectively treat the abdominal problems. Therefore it can be used to get complete relief from the problem. Boil some ginger in water and give the solution to the infant different times in a day to get relief from colic problem.

Ginger Water

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