Black heads are a very embarrassing skin problem that affects lot of people. In this problem small black dots appear on the skin that makes you look very ugly. The main reason for the occurrence and formation of black heads on your skin are the skin clogging with dust particles. When you skin pores are clogged then they appear as small black dots on the skin. Not only this, pollution, exposure to sun light, nutritional deficiencies, improper skin care etc are also majorly responsible for black heads.
You need to treat black heads with in time because the trapped dust particles act as a favorable place for the growth of bacteria which then cause bacterial infection and can result into serious problems like acne and pimple break out. However the good thing is that you can easily treat black heads with some simple natural products present at your home. Here are the simplest home remedies that you should use to treat black heads.
Lemons are slightly acidic in nature and are rich in exfoliating properties that help in removing the oil from the skin which in turn facilitate the opening of skin pores and thus eliminates the dust from the skin pores. Take a fresh lemon slice and rub it on the black heads to get relief.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is used to get an overall beautiful skin. The rich properties of aloe vera are very effective for unclogging the skin pores and provide great relief from the black heads problem. You need to apply fresh gel on your skin several times in a day to get the benefits.
Steaming is also a very useful method to get rid of the problem of black heads. The steam helps in opening the skin pores and removes the dust from them in order to give a clearer and beautiful skin. You can use a steamer for this purpose. Alternatively you can put hot water in a vessel and take the steam by covering the head with towel. Follow the remedy for 20 minutes every day to get complete relief.
Baking Soda
Baking soda can also be used to open the clogged skin pores. Moreover baking soda is also rich in anti bacterial properties that help in preventing the bacterial growth and infection very effectively. You have to make a paste of baking soda with water and rub the paste gently on the black heads for a few minutes. Use normal water to rinse the mixture afterwards. Repeat the remedy regularly for getting best results.
The exfoliating nature of raw honey is very effective in getting relief from black heads. You can rub honey on the skin for a few minutes to get rid of the clogged skin pores and the trapped dust particles. Moreover the anti bacterial nature of honey also prevents the risk of bacterial infection. It is therefore highly advisable to use this remedy to get the benefits.
Oat Meal Scrub
Oat meal is rich in several useful nutrients that help in improving the health of your skin and regular use you also get a beautiful black head free skin. To use this remedy you have to use oat meal for scrubbing your skin to remove the dust and excess oil from the skin pores. With regular and repeated use of this remedy you can get 100 % relief from the problem of black heads.
Egg White
A mask prepared from the egg whites is also very useful in clearing the skin pores from the oil and dirt. Not only this, egg white contains a lot of healthy proteins that are very beneficial for making the skin healthier. It is therefore advisable to apply an egg white mask on the skin to get the benefits.
The presence of healthy bacteria in the yogurt helps the skin by improving its health. Not only this, yogurt also opens the skin pores and eliminates the dirt particles and minimizes the risk of infection. Apply yogurt on the skin and massage for few minutes followed by rinsing with cold water. Repeating this remedy regularly provides complete relief from the black heads problem.
Straw Berries
Straw berries are nutrient rich and all these nutrients are very beneficial for the skin health. Mash some fresh straw berries and mix lemon juice in it. Use the mixture to scrub your black heads affected skin for some time. Rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat regularly for better results.
Almond Paste
A fresh paste of almonds is also very useful in eliminating black heads from your skin. The rich vitamin of almonds improves the skin health and prevents the appearance of black heads very effectively.